Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Is beautiful, but really, I think I am more excited about the trip we planned today.

Yes, we were in the bar in Aruba, on the phone with a wonderful man.

I will be in Jost Van Dyke for New Years Eve. On a private boat, with plenty of my favorite people.

In the words of Jane "Lisa, you better not screw this up."

I did not burn like everyone else today.

I stayed under my hut until the sun got low, then I got some. Just enough that I can do it all again tomorrow.

Almost finished with my book. I'm sure I have more to say, and I will do that later.

Love from Aruba,


1 comment:

Lisa said...

"I will be in Jost Van Dyke for New Years Eve. On a private boat, with plenty of my favorite people."

AHHHH! Wow, SO jealous. That is going to be ridiculously awesome.